Board Members
Abby Davidson (she/her), President
Abby is a longtime advocate of cooperative housing, and lived at Lothlorien Co-op for two years. She has over a decade of experience in the building products industry and holds degrees from UW-Madison and Madison College. As part of the RefineJenifer team, she is working to develop the ReJenerate Housing Cooperative, an affordable sustainable housing cooperative on Madison’s near east side. Some of her hobbies are aerial dance, traveling by bike, and live music. She also serves on the boards of Madison Freewheel Bicycle Co., Sunny Side Development, and Save the Farm.
Gabrielle Hinahara (she/her), Vice President
Gabrielle lived at Ambrosia Co-op for 3 years before helping to create Perennial Co-op (Madison’s newest housing co-op!) in 2016, where she currently lives. She is excited to use her experience to help others create new cooperative housing! Gabrielle is the director of the Middleton Youth Center, a free after school and summer program for middle school students, and serves on the BLW Neighborhood Center’s Steering Committee. She also loves backpacking, gardening, and dancing.
Zach Seaborne, Treasurer (they/them), Treasurer
A lifetime Madisonian, Zach currently dwells in the swamps along the Yahara River, in a co-op aspiring house known as Red Pine. They are a former hamster of Nottingham Cooperative, where they cemented a belief that living and working together is a healthy, sustainable, and mutually beneficial way of being. Zach is excited to work with MACHA to increase accessibility to cooperative housing in Madison. Zach is a former worker/member of Community Pharmacy Cooperative, and is passionate about food access and community health. Find them in the forest or on a dance floor.
Steve Vig (he/him), Secretary
Steve is a resident of Hypatia Cooperative, and a member of Madison Community Cooperative, where he has served as an officer and board member. He has worked for and served on the boards of two other Madison area cooperatives, The Bartell Theatre and the Social Justice Center (SJC), and the Tenant Resource Center, where he trained as a Housing Counselor, gaining experience in the practical application of fair housing law.